Plant Some Kindness

Welcome to Plant Some Kindness, where we spread our love of growing through sustainability and education one seed at a time.

About Us.

Plant Some Kindness is owned and operated by the husband and wife team of Jason and Rachel. The name of the business came from our love to help others. Jason is a Registered Nurse and uses his love of taking care of people to grow and nurture plants, he is the primary pepper grower. Rachel a Licensed Clinical Social Worker by trade uses her passion for helping people and her eye for design by creating stunning air plant displays. She uses her skill of patience by propagating house plants. Both Jason and Rachel love working in their garden, Jason gowns the peppers, his favorites are the California Reaper and the sugar rush peach. Rachel loves her flowers, her favorite flowers are zinnias, purple cone flowers and snap dragons

Plant Some Kindness began in 2022 as small farmers market operation selling air plants, custom succulents, peppers, ad unique growing supplies. we slowly started expanding the product line over the years and in 2024 we added hot sauces. We started growing hot peppers our first season with just a few plants, 2023 we expanded to 65 pepper pants of about 10 different varieties. In 2024 we took a giant leap and added more peppers and more varieties. Currently we have 148 pepper plants with over 80 varieties, these range from mild to super hot. With all these peppers came a problem, what do we do with all of them? Plant Some Kindness hot sauce was born out of necessity. We became cottage license certified through the stat and local health departments and began selling our hot sauces. We currently have 5 varieties of hot sauces as our signature line, they are: Jalapeno Verde, Peach Habanero, Pineapple/Mango Habanero, Berry Scotch Bonnet, and Smokey Hot. We also add limited sauces to the line up when different peppers are ripe, some examples of those limited sauces from that past are: Pineapple Reaper, White Scorpion and Strawberry Scorpion. We also use the peppers in a variety of different ways. Homemade smoked salts with the addition of dried pepper flakes, we currently offer jalapeno, habanero, and Carolina reaper smoked salts. We also sell dried pepper flakes, these come from the not so pretty peppers or those that have bad spots and cannot be sold, they are dried into flakes and saved. One of the biggest parts of our business is seeds. All of the peppers we grow and buy are de seeded and the seeds are then saved to grow the next season or sold to other growers, Jason currently had 50 different varieties in his personal supply and 15-20 varieties for sale all the time. We have 80 varieties of peppers growing and will have those seeds available next season. These practices make Plant Some Kindness completely self sustainable.

Plant Some Kindness is owned and operated by the husband and wife team of Jason and Rachel. The name of the business came from our love to help others. Jason is a Registered Nurse and uses his love of taking care of people to grow and nurture plants, he is the primary pepper grower. Rachel a Licensed Clinical Social Worker by trade uses her passion for helping people and her eye for design by creating stunning air plant displays. She uses her skill of patience by propagating house plants. Both Jason and Rachel love working in their garden, Jason gowns the peppers, his favorites are the California reaper and the sugar rush peach. Rachel loves her flowers, her favorite flowers are zinnias, purple cone flowers and snap dragons

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